Custom Touch Button User Interface Panel
The custom panel’s user interface buttons is designed with capacitive touch sensors. The touch sensor is embedded directly onto the PCB which enables a user to interact and operates similarly to a physical push button switch.
Elegant Aesthetics Panel Finishing
The simple and elegant panel buttons can be designed to match the look and feel of your product.
Custom sticker, laminate or silkscreen can be designed to overlay on top of the touch button sensors to suit your theme.
Indicator Status Light
LED light indicators are assembled behind the PCB board so that the panel surface is flat and clear for sticker/laminate overlay.
The user is able to monitor the current status of the system with a quick glance.
Feedback from Tone Sound
Tone feedback is design into the touch button panel to enhance the user interaction experience.
A sound tone is a better form of feedback for a user interacting with your product.
This is unlike a visual indicator where the user has to specifically focus their attention on.
Visual Text LCD Display
An additional display panel can be integrate to display more information. Smart device interactive design.
Control Electronics and Connectors
Cost Effective Solution
Compare to a physical push button switch, touch button switch is simple and can be cheaper in the implementation.
It has almost no mechanical wear and tear, or limited operating cycles.
Contact PIC-CONTROL for customisation of your touch sensing solution today.
Also, check out our mini-touch sensor circuit module.