Cable Connection Assembly Tester

Cable Connection Assembly Tester

A simple to use cable-tester. One touch button to learn from your master cable, and another button to test your production cables.

Setting Up for Cable Testing

The following is a guideline to using this cable tester to test your cable or wire harness.

  1. Get ready the cable that you want to test.
  2. Prepare the mating connectors for your cable.
  3. Crimp, solder or attach a wire to each pin of the mating connector.
  4. Connect each of the wire to each of the terminal port on the Cable Tester. (You can connect up to 64 points)
  5. Power up the cable tester via the USB mini-B socket.
  6. Connect your Master cable to the mating connectors that are now attached to the Cable Tester.
  7. To learn the wiring of your Master cable, press and hold the small learning touch button on the Cable Tester device. Hold it for about 3 sec until you hear a double beep or see the PASS & FAIL LED flashing.
  8. The Cable Tester device has learned your Master cable.
  9. Remove the master cable from the mating connectors.
  10. Replace it with the production cable that you want to test.
  11. Press on the “Start TEST” to begin testing the cable. The test result will be available almost instantly within a second.
  12. You should be able to see a green LED PASS lighted up if the cable has the same wiring configuration as your Master cable.
  13. If the cable is not the same, you should see a red LED FAIL light up.

Cable Connection Test Report

This cable tester can also be connected via a USB cable to the computer for the display of the cable test result report.

You can use the following software to view the cable tester connectivity report.

Communication baudrate settings: 115200bps, 8 data bits, 1 stop bit, no parity bit, no hardware flow control.

There are a few commands which allow you to measure and generate the cable wiring report.

  • Generate a test report with reference to your master cable.
  • Current cable connection report.
  • Master cable connection report.
  • Learn cable connection and save the wiring configuration as the master template.

Through this report, you are able to see at a glance how a cable is being wired. A master cable wiring configuration can be saved to this tester. This tester can then base on this master cable wiring pattern and test the rest of your production cables.

Cable connection test report

Up to 64 connection points can be tested. A1 to A8 …. to H8 represent the 64 terminal points on this Cable Tester device.

Total EEPROM memory required for 64 connection is 4Kbits (64 x 64 connection points).

Test Result Example:

O – Correct Connection      
M – Missing Connection      
X – Wrong Connection      
– Correct No Connection      

Fully Automated Test Solution

This cable tester can also be integrated into your production machine for a fully automated test system for your cables.

Click here to check up more details of this PIC-350 Cable Harness Connectivity Tester.