Guide to Wire Connection Tester for Assembled Cable Production

CCT-01 is a universal wire connection tester to test all kinds of wiring configuration instantly. Fast cable tester and simple to use.

This device can learn the connection from your original cable wiring, and subsequently test the rest of your reproduced cables.

CCT-01 wire harness tester. A productive tool that you should keep on your tool shelves.

Click here for more information about CCT-01 tester.

Test Setup for D-sub RJ11 Assembled Cable

Imagine you are mass producing a cable (D-sub and RJ11 connectors). You would like to test and ensure the wiring is done correctly before you shipped out to your customer. You can setup the tester as shown in the picture.

D-Sub and RJ11 connector connection tester device (PIC-350)

  1. First step is to buy or prepare the mating connectors for your D-sub connector end, and your RJ11 connector end. The mating connectors are for making the connection to the cables that you wanted to test.
    It acts as an adaptor interface between your cable and the CCT-01 tester.
  2. You can wire up the individual wires to any of the port connectors on CCT-01. It does not matter which port you connect because the device can learn the wiring connection on-the-fly. You just need to ensure all the wiring are connected.
  3. Power up the CCT-01 through a USB mini-B cable.
  4. Connect your original master cable (a sample with the correct wire connection) to the CCT-01 via the adaptor interface that you had prepared in step no. 1.
  5. Press the learn button to allow the device to learn the connection from this master cable.
  6. You can then proceed to swap the master cable with the cable which you want to test
  7. Press the TEST button to begin testing.
    The device will indicate a green light and a valid beep sound if the connectivity is the same.
    A red indicator and an error buzz sound will be sound if the cable does not have the same wiring connection.
  8. Continue to swap to test the remaining batch of your cables.

This tester is designed to be a simple general multi-purpose cable tester. The same test procedure applies to any complex cable harness wiring configuration. Simple to use.

Wiring Connectivity Tester (PIC-350)

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