The cable tester is functional without connecting to external devices or system.
A 4 pins connector (green pluggable terminal connector) is available to allow custom connection to your own device or equipment. This connector is isolated via an optocoupler. This isolation will protect the tester from damage due to any wrong external connection.
Custom User Interface to Cable Tester
The simple interface can be a switch and LED indicator. You may want to use your own foot padel switch to start the wiring connection test or may have your own indicator panel for your operator use.
You can adopt to the following connection.
Multiple Cable Tester Linking Together
For some situation, this tester may not have enough test point for your cable harness. Each tester can only connect up to 64 connection points. If your connect has more than 64 points that you want to test in one shot, you can consider interfacing them in parallel as shown in the diagram.
This connection allows you to test cable harness with many connection points at the same time. It will allow a single test switch to trigger the tester. Any fault detected from one of the testers, it can drive your external indicator.
*** Please note that the test connection points are not inter-connected between the individual tester modules. Just take note to connect only groups of wires that are inter-connected together within a single tester.
Digital Controller Connection
The tester can also be connected to your digital logic controller for more custom/complex control of your entire system.
The connection has a opto-coupled design. This will ensure that the tester will not cause interference issue to your controller or be affected by any external controller interfacing.
Interfacing to High Power Devices
For interfacing to high power devices, it is recommended to have a relay as the interface to isolate from the tester. The optocoupler built inside is meant to protect the tester. It cannot be used to drive a high current. Any current higher than 0.1A, it is recommended that a bigger relay is used for the interfacing.
The following is an example of the connection you can do to drive high power devices.
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